REVIEW - Silent Movie 0

Silent Movie (1976)

Plot: Aspiring filmmakers Mel Funn, Marty Eggs, and Dom Bell go to a financially troubled studio with an idea for a silent movie. In an effort to make the movie more marketable, they attempt to recruit a number of big-name stars to appear, while the studio’s creditors attempt to thwart them. Review: Mel Funn (Mel Brooks)...

Anna and the Apocalypse 1

Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) (Director’s Cut)

Plot: A zombie apocalypse threatens the sleepy town of Little Haven – at Christmas – forcing Anna and her friends to fight, slash and sing their way to survival, facing the undead in a desperate race to reach their loved ones. But they soon discover that no one is safe in this new world, and...

REVIEW - Like Sunday Like Rain 0

Like Sunday, Like Rain (2014)

Plot: A struggling musician becomes a 12-year-old musical prodigy’s guardian for a summer. Review: Reggie (Julian Shatkin) is a 12-year-old cello prodigy and an all-round genius living in the Upper West Side of New York City with a self-obsessed mother whose parenting is limited to hiring maids and nannies to look after her son. Eleanor...

REVIEW - The Sonata-Sushant Dhume

The Sonata (2018)

Plot: A gifted musician inherits a mansion after her long-lost father dies under mysterious circumstances. She discovers his last musical masterpiece riddled with cryptic symbols that unravels an evil secret. Review: Rose Fisher (Freya Tingley), on the rise, talented violinist, inherits her estranged father’s property in France after his death. On arriving at the mansion, she...


Airheads (1994)

Plot: Three band members hoping for a big break head to a radio station to play their demo tape and wind up holding everyone hostage with plastic guns when the head DJ refuses to play them. Review: “I’m screwed up and average enough that I could write a song that’ll live on forever and then after...

Grand Piano

Grand Piano (2013)

Plot: A pianist with stage fright endures a performance under the eyes of a mysterious sniper, who will shoot and kill him if a wrong note is played. Review: When Tom Selznick (Elijah Wood), a once renowned and respected pianist who after choking while playing “La Cinquette”, a seemingly unplayable piece composed by his mentor, now...

Green Room - Sushant Dhume

Green Room (2015)

Plot: A punk rock band is forced to fight for survival after witnessing a murder at a neo-Nazi skinhead bar. Review: “You know I’m lucky at least they were gonna shoot me.” – Amber. When getting shot is considered lucky you realize the enormity of the gruesomeness witnessed by the characters. Punk band The Ain’t Rights are struggling...

Blinded By The Light 2019

Blinded by the Light (2019)

Plot: In England in 1987, a teenager from an Asian family learns to live his life, understand his family and find his own voice through the music of American rock star Bruce Springsteen. Review: “Is a dream a lie if it doesn’t come true, Or is it something worse” - Bruce Springsteen, The River. In 1987 situated...


Blow Out (1981)

Plot: A movie sound effects recordist while recording sounds one night inadvertently ends up recording the evidence of murder which results in him being engulfed in danger. Review: John Travolta plays Jack Terry, a sound effects recordist who is working on a horror b-movie. One night while recording sounds, he accidentally records a car crash. His...