Suril Desai 0

Creating art is like therapy for me: Suril Desai

By Nandini Trivedi Creativity can be defined as the willingness to be courageous, adventurous and to try new things. When I met the artist Suril N. Desai for 'Swar Gurjari' YouTube channel interview, who is a lawyer by profession, I found him so humble, thoughtful, intelligent, loving and passionate about painting, music and literature. Suril creates...

Blinded By The Light 2019

Blinded by the Light (2019)

Plot: In England in 1987, a teenager from an Asian family learns to live his life, understand his family and find his own voice through the music of American rock star Bruce Springsteen. Review: “Is a dream a lie if it doesn’t come true, Or is it something worse” - Bruce Springsteen, The River. In 1987 situated...

Jonita Gandhi

Spotify’s Asian Heritage Month – Jonita Gandhi

Jonita Gandhi, an Indo-Canadian singer amongst many Asian singers has been featured as a part of Spotify’s North American Campaign for empowering and enabling Asian artists. Their contribution and involvement in the global music landscape for May. The Canadian campaign tagline said, “We have so much to be proud of.” Now, this is apt for the...