The Legend Of The Creative Genius – SD Burman

I hold my breath, As I look up to its majesty. The stars are bright, And they fill me with gaiety. Behold, I see a star, one shining star Which pierces the night with its wondrous light? I see a star, one shining star, Brilliant, bold and bright. These lines truly amplify the Legendary Music Composer S D Burman, whose gleam still continues...

SD Burman - Rafi

Heady Wine To Savor – S D Burman & Mohd. Rafi

K. V. Ramesh | Throughout human history, man has discovered a variety of substances and spirits whose sheer variety boggles the mind. One kind of spirit that gives a kick that surpasses any other substance is a unique brand of music produced by the beautiful musical combination – SD Burman as Music Director and...